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Environment Art



Demo Reel

Survival Horror themed game level.  This piece is my final thesis project at the Academy of Art University.  It includes indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as hard surface and organic modeling.  Created with Unreal, Maya, Photoshop, Crazybump, and XNormal.

Ethelwood Museum

Post-apocalyptic sci-fi environment of an ancient clocktower repurposed as an evil layer that the player must navigate.  Created in Unity, Maya, Photoshop, Mudbox.

th3 cl0ckt0w3r

This contemporary casino bar piece was created in Unity, Maya, Photshop, and Mudbox, and is intended for use on a lower performance machine.

Casino Bar

3D Assets

This simple outdoor scene was created in Maya and assembled in Unreal.  I used photgraphs that I took in an urban area of Los Angeles for the textures as well as photo reference found online.

This Cadillac Coupe DeVille was created using nurbs, and then converted to polygons in Maya

This warewolf character was created using online reference, and was meant to serve as an exercise in organic modeling

I created low and high poly versions of this weapon, and transferred detail from the high res version to the low res model using normal mapping

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